Latest Projects

Freitag, November 25th, 2011

‚Barking Dogs’

‚Barking Dogs’
© Susanne Kienbaum 2011

Dimensions: overall dimensions variable; doors up to 200x50x5 cm each
Materials: sound, doors, paper shredder, tiles, fern

The sound was the originator of this installation: the barking of dogs combined with the chirring of the cicadas…. The walk between walls and doors is becoming even more narrow and stops in front of the last door which is sealed…

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Open Studio | K: S-p-a-c-e Berlin 2011
Fotos: © Susanne Kienbaum

Freitag, November 25th, 2011

‚Transient Survival Spaces N°1 & 2’

‚Transient Survival Spaces N°1 & 2’
Multimedia-In-Situ Installation
© Susanne Kienbaum 2009

Dimensions: 200x 180x 110 each
Materials: wire, paper shredder, moss shredder, tiles and hand-writing

Concept | Realization: ©Susanne Kienbaum
Concent Art, Kreuzbergstrasse 28, D-10965 Berlin

In order to illustrate the gap between high investments and low outcome of multimedia art installations the work tried to illustrate this issue by achieving the maximum size of an artwork for a minimum of investments: paper shredder and moss were recycled from personal waste for the exhibition, the wire was bought at a huge retail chain and brought back after the exhibition. Thus, overall expenses for this artwork were ony € 48,00. The work was accompanied by a cynical text written on the tiled walls: naming the artist’s production process including budgeting, overall art marketing and business, illustrated by a photo of Carl Spitzweg ‘the poor poet’.

Foto: © Nika Radic, Susanne Kienbaum

Freitag, November 25th, 2011


Interactive art project, on-going
© Susanne Kienbaum 2010

The term ‚TEASI‘ is an acronym for: Transdisciplinary–Exchange–of–Artwork–and–Sustainable–Interaction. The TEASI-PROJECT is the designation of an interactive art project, conceptualized and initiated in 2010. The TEASI-Project consists of the following elements:


For further information see

Concept | Initiation: Susanne Kienbaum 2010
Fotos: (c) Sibylle Hoessler

Freitag, November 25th, 2011


Light Installation including observation camera
© Susanne Kienbaum 2010

Material: messing plate, acryl, polypropylene, observation camera
Dimensions: 45x25x12

In one night of summer 2009 the two oleanders who are part of the entrance of K: S-p-a-c-e  were destroyed by young people overnight. I decided to build the Oleanderüberwachungsanlage by integrating an observation camera into the shining letter over the entrance….

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Open Studio | K: S-p-a-c-e Berlin 2010

Freitag, November 25th, 2011


Interactive Artist Book
© Susanne Kienbaum 2010

Material: messing plate, paper, Farrow & Balls colour sample cards
Dimensions: 60x40x10

After having renovated K: S-p-a-c-e for three years it was inaugurated on July 2nd , 2010. No art works were shown except the space itself.

All guests of the inauguration party were invited to write down their projections / ideas / suggestions for the K: S-p-a-c-e in the K-Space-Release Book. Therefore they could choose three colours from the Farrow & Balls colour sample cards (including the respective poetic names) and write something down into the book.. Best ideas will be executed in the future…

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Open Studio | K: S-p-a-c-e Berlin 2010

Sonntag, November 13th, 2011

‚Cocoon | Green Portable Spaces‘

‚Cocoon | Green Portable Spaces’

Installation | Performance

© Susanne Kienbaum 2008-09

Dimensions: 180 x 50 x 50 each
Material: polypropylen, latex garden wire, green suitcase
Performance together with Evelyn Müursepp

Mediascape 2008 and 2009: International Media Artists Meeting, Museum Lapidarium, Novigrad, Croatia

In order to explore the minimum of space adaptable to a human size which still can easily be transported by hand luggage the two portable spaces were in an on-going performance sewed by hand during two summers sitting on the brim of a well in Novigrad. Having finished the two Portable Spaces they were stabilized by inserting meters and were exposed during the exposition Mediascape 2008 and 2009.

In 2009 a performance was performed together with Evelyn Müursepp: the two spaces were carried around the city and their suitability for interaction and giving sufficient shelter was explored.

Fotos: © Susanne Kienbaum, Branka Uzur

Dienstag, Oktober 19th, 2010

‘Transient Survival Spaces N°1 & 2′

‚Transient Survival Spaces N°1 & 2’
Multimedia-In-Situ Installation
© Susanne Kienbaum 2009

Dimensions: 200x 180x 110 each
Materials: wire screen, paper shredder, moss shredder, tiles and hand-writing

Concept | Realization: © Susanne Kienbaum
Concent Art, Kreuzbergstrasse 28, D-10965 Berlin

In order to illustrate the gap between high investments and low outcome of multimedia art installations the work tried to illustrate this issue by achieving the maximum size of an artwork for a minimum of investments: paper shredder and moss were recycled from personal waste for the exhibition, the wire screen was bought at ‚Bauhaus‘ – a retail chain for building and contruction – and brought back after the exhibition. Thus, overall expenses for this artwork were approximately only € 48,00. The work was accompanied by a cynical text written on the tiled walls: naming the artist’s production process including budgeting, overall art marketing and business, illustrated by a photo of Carl Spitzweg ‘the poor poet’.

Foto: Nika Radíc, Susanne Kienbaum

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