Glas | Acryl

Freitag, November 25th, 2011

‚Barking Dogs’

‚Barking Dogs’
© Susanne Kienbaum 2011

Dimensions: overall dimensions variable; doors up to 200x50x5 cm each
Materials: sound, doors, paper shredder, tiles, fern

The sound was the originator of this installation: the barking of dogs combined with the chirring of the cicadas…. The walk between walls and doors is becoming even more narrow and stops in front of the last door which is sealed…

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Open Studio | K: S-p-a-c-e Berlin 2011
Fotos: © Susanne Kienbaum

Freitag, November 25th, 2011


Light Installation including observation camera
© Susanne Kienbaum 2010

Material: messing plate, acryl, polypropylene, observation camera
Dimensions: 45x25x12

In one night of summer 2009 the two oleanders who are part of the entrance of K: S-p-a-c-e  were destroyed by young people overnight. I decided to build the Oleanderüberwachungsanlage by integrating an observation camera into the shining letter over the entrance….

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Open Studio | K: S-p-a-c-e Berlin 2010

Sonntag, November 13th, 2011


‚Rice, Water, Salt’
© Susanne Kienbaum 2007

Dimensions: 25x25x10 cm
Materials: rice paper, acryl, glass, wood
Edition: 7

I was invited to Kioskshop Berlin for the Intervention XXIII.

Referring to wax which is main material of Semjon I used rice paper which has the same appearance but the opposite flexibility: in opposite to wax rice paper breaks easily, in opposite to wax it is ‘hygrophil’ (it attracts water and is going to be destroyed by water).

The rice paper was fixed via acryl glass and fixed within a wooden frame.Therefore the rice paper became the appearance as if it would be floating in the air.

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Kioskshop 2007

Sonntag, November 13th, 2011

‚Pont Bleu – Pause Bleue‘

‚Pont Bleu – Pause Bleue’
Site-specific Light-Object-Installation
© Susanne Kienbaum 2006

Dimensions: Illumination of the Thielen Brücke in Berlin-Kreuzberg in the framework of ’48-Stunden-Neukölln’
Materials: 1600 blue water bottles, 1600 LED light sources, bottle boxes, pillows made from grass tissue, two boats with blue light sources floating in the water

On invitation the Thielen-Brücke was illuminated by 1.600 blue water bottles, to each bottle an LED was connected, 8 bottles filled one bridge segment.

The realization of this installation was inspired by the fact that in this area of Berlin the alcohol problem is evident in public life – interpretation of 1.600 illuminated water bottles could be purely esthetic but an alternative interpretation is the subtle invitation to slow down alcohol consumption in favour of pure, blue water…

During the 48 hours this installation was running it was functioning as a social gathering point  – a lot of pedestrians came and sat down on the bottles boxes, to have a pause, to chat a bit, to drink a bottle of water…

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Exhibition:  48-Stunden Neukölln 2006

Fotos: © Susanne Kienbaum

Sonntag, November 13th, 2011

‚Shining Places | Global Poem 2004‘

‚Shining Places | Global Poem 2004’
Light Installation, Artist Book
Edition: 3
© Susanne Kienbaum 2004

Dimensions: 280 x 60; 14 wooden boxes, 60x12x10 each
Materials: wood, polypropylene, acryl, neon light, black light

How is it possible to live in a world where at any time in a lot of places plenty of catastrophic scenarios could happen?

14 places where catastrophic scenarios can be anticipated from all over the world are choosen and highlighted in 5 of 14 boxes with black light. These 14 places are described in the book and background information is given.

In opposition to those ‘problematic’ places poems from all over the world were gathered especially from poets who are living or coming from those areas: the poems have been cut out of polypropylene and are mounted in layers upon the 9 of 14 boxes and are highlighted with warm neon light.

All poems are printed, correctly cited and translated in the artist book.

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Exhibition ‘Shining Places’, Gebauer Höfe, Berlin-Moabit, 2004

Fotos: © James Carman, Susanne Kienbaum

Sonntag, Oktober 24th, 2010

‚Ohne Titel – Kleines Triptychon‘

‚Ohne Titel – Kleines Triptychon’
© Susanne Kienbaum 2000

Dimensions: 10 x 15 cm, each
Materials: oil on cardboard, monted on wood, spools, cardboard box with glass

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum

Foto: © Susanne Kienbaum

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