Sustainable art production

Freitag, November 25th, 2011

‚Mobiles Künstler Atelier | SPAREN’

‚Mobiles Künstler Atelier | SPAREN’
© Susanne Kienbaum 2011

Dimensions: overall dimensions variable according to respective scaffold; in this case: 238x200x150
Materials: scaffold; 260 wooden boxes from the nearby market place, wooden box with light source blinking in two colours 60x20x20

The scaffold was used for constructing a mobile studio build by wooden  boxes from the nearby market where formerly Rucola had been sold. The light source was found in the cellar of the house and was modified: the original word ‘SPIELWAREN’ was modified into ‘SPAREN’ by darkening the letters ‘IELW’.

Every day the ‘Mobiles Künstler Atelier’ was constructed and deconstructed – according to the purpose: the project is my personal suggestion concerning the increasing lack of studio spaces for artists: the ‘Mobiles Künstler Atelier’ is supposed to move together with the scaffold to the next construction site – a suggestion naming the link between artists and gentrification processes in metropoles – recently also in Berlin.

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Open Studio | K: S-p-a-c-e Berlin 2011

Freitag, November 25th, 2011

‚Transient Survival Spaces N°1 & 2’

‚Transient Survival Spaces N°1 & 2’
Multimedia-In-Situ Installation
© Susanne Kienbaum 2009

Dimensions: 200x 180x 110 each
Materials: wire, paper shredder, moss shredder, tiles and hand-writing

Concept | Realization: ©Susanne Kienbaum
Concent Art, Kreuzbergstrasse 28, D-10965 Berlin

In order to illustrate the gap between high investments and low outcome of multimedia art installations the work tried to illustrate this issue by achieving the maximum size of an artwork for a minimum of investments: paper shredder and moss were recycled from personal waste for the exhibition, the wire was bought at a huge retail chain and brought back after the exhibition. Thus, overall expenses for this artwork were ony € 48,00. The work was accompanied by a cynical text written on the tiled walls: naming the artist’s production process including budgeting, overall art marketing and business, illustrated by a photo of Carl Spitzweg ‘the poor poet’.

Foto: © Nika Radic, Susanne Kienbaum

Freitag, November 25th, 2011

‚Rot, Rot, Revisited’

‚Rot, Rot, Revisited’
Performance | Video
© Susanne Kienbaum 2011

Performance 75’| Video loop 15’

In the performance I did surgery on 33 feather balls belonging to the installation ‘Rot, Rot’ which I had originally created in 2002. The video loop shows the first 15’ of the action.

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Open Studio | K: S-p-a-c-e Berlin 2011

Freitag, November 25th, 2011


Interactive art project, on-going
© Susanne Kienbaum 2010

The term ‚TEASI‘ is an acronym for: Transdisciplinary–Exchange–of–Artwork–and–Sustainable–Interaction. The TEASI-PROJECT is the designation of an interactive art project, conceptualized and initiated in 2010. The TEASI-Project consists of the following elements:


For further information see

Concept | Initiation: Susanne Kienbaum 2010
Fotos: (c) Sibylle Hoessler

Dienstag, Oktober 19th, 2010

‘Transient Survival Spaces N°1 & 2′

‚Transient Survival Spaces N°1 & 2’
Multimedia-In-Situ Installation
© Susanne Kienbaum 2009

Dimensions: 200x 180x 110 each
Materials: wire screen, paper shredder, moss shredder, tiles and hand-writing

Concept | Realization: © Susanne Kienbaum
Concent Art, Kreuzbergstrasse 28, D-10965 Berlin

In order to illustrate the gap between high investments and low outcome of multimedia art installations the work tried to illustrate this issue by achieving the maximum size of an artwork for a minimum of investments: paper shredder and moss were recycled from personal waste for the exhibition, the wire screen was bought at ‚Bauhaus‘ – a retail chain for building and contruction – and brought back after the exhibition. Thus, overall expenses for this artwork were approximately only € 48,00. The work was accompanied by a cynical text written on the tiled walls: naming the artist’s production process including budgeting, overall art marketing and business, illustrated by a photo of Carl Spitzweg ‘the poor poet’.

Foto: Nika Radíc, Susanne Kienbaum

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