Artist Books

Freitag, November 25th, 2011


Interactive Artist Book
© Susanne Kienbaum 2010

Material: messing plate, paper, Farrow & Balls colour sample cards
Dimensions: 60x40x10

After having renovated K: S-p-a-c-e for three years it was inaugurated on July 2nd , 2010. No art works were shown except the space itself.

All guests of the inauguration party were invited to write down their projections / ideas / suggestions for the K: S-p-a-c-e in the K-Space-Release Book. Therefore they could choose three colours from the Farrow & Balls colour sample cards (including the respective poetic names) and write something down into the book.. Best ideas will be executed in the future…

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Open Studio | K: S-p-a-c-e Berlin 2010

Sonntag, November 13th, 2011

‚UM-WEGE Finden‘

‚UM-WEGE Finden’
Site-specific Light-Object-Installation, Artist Book
© Susanne Kienbaum 2005

Dimensions: 8 illuminated boxes with hair objects, light chains, overall dimensions variabel
Materials: hair, tiles, copper, different light sources

Basis for this work were 12 interviews with women who lost their hair through chemotherapy. All interviews were transcribed and written into the artist book which could only be read at the site of the installation. The key sentences out of each interview were engraved into the 12 light chains.

The site of the installation were former bear caves down the city of Gera with an overall  humidity of 100%.

The 8 illuminated copper boxes were illuminated and the inner surface was covered with white tiles. Each box carried 3 hair objects, which were woven from fine wire and hairs. At the eigth box the hair objects were ‘freed’ and could freely move in the air.

The way out of the installation was twofold: one way ended in a blind tunnel at a box where a citation of Louise Bourgeois was written upon: ‘where are we going’….

The other way out of the installation could be entered through 12 light chains with the key citations and ended at the eighth box with the hair objects freely floating in the humid air…

The book contained the full interviews and could be read only at the site of the installation.

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Exhibition:  Höhler-Biennale, Gera, 2005

Fotos: © Susanne Kienbaum

Sonntag, November 13th, 2011

‚Collateral Damage‘

‚Collateral Damage’
Light-Object-Installation, Video, Artist Book
© Susanne Kienbaum 2004

Dimensions: 60x10x10 each of the Light-Objects; overall dimensions variabel
Materials: polypropylene, horsetails, tiles, wood, insect lights

7 light-objects illuminated by insect lights show a total of 100 arabic male and female names. The light-objects are places on an underground covered with tiles. The video loop (55’) is showing (1) a figure from 1 to 100, (2) a foto of the respective name from one of the light objects, (3) the Arabic writing of the name, translation and female / male sign, (4) accompanied by a sharp noise the name is wiped out and the tile underneath is cleaned by a hand covered by a surgical glove until the tile is completely white and shining again, then the circle starts again with the next number and the next name etc…

An artist book is giving some background information on the Iraq war performed before 2004.

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Exhibition ‘Shining Places’, Gebauer Höfe, Berlin-Moabit, 2004

Fotos: © James Carman, Susanne Kienbaum

Sonntag, November 13th, 2011

‚Shining Places | Global Poem 2004‘

‚Shining Places | Global Poem 2004’
Light Installation, Artist Book
Edition: 3
© Susanne Kienbaum 2004

Dimensions: 280 x 60; 14 wooden boxes, 60x12x10 each
Materials: wood, polypropylene, acryl, neon light, black light

How is it possible to live in a world where at any time in a lot of places plenty of catastrophic scenarios could happen?

14 places where catastrophic scenarios can be anticipated from all over the world are choosen and highlighted in 5 of 14 boxes with black light. These 14 places are described in the book and background information is given.

In opposition to those ‘problematic’ places poems from all over the world were gathered especially from poets who are living or coming from those areas: the poems have been cut out of polypropylene and are mounted in layers upon the 9 of 14 boxes and are highlighted with warm neon light.

All poems are printed, correctly cited and translated in the artist book.

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Exhibition ‘Shining Places’, Gebauer Höfe, Berlin-Moabit, 2004

Fotos: © James Carman, Susanne Kienbaum

Donnerstag, Mai 19th, 2011

‚Weicher Raum No 1‘

‚Weicher Raum No 1’
Installation | Object | Artist Book
© Susanne Kienbaum 2002

Dimensions: 200 x 400 x 400
Materials: gaze, PVC, feathers, wood, copper, light, water

This 2-m-high object which can be entered with naked feet is referring to the discussion of PID (pre-implantation diagnostics) and is inspired by a couple of newspaper articles referring to frozen embryos and associated law quarrels throughout the world. Once inside the object which is in fact resembling an uterus the spectator can read the writing on the bottom of the water basin: ‘where does art stop and where does life start?’ which is a quotation of Christian Boltanski.  In the artist book which is part of the installation (not shown in the foto documentation) the respective newspaper articles as well as scientific and philosophical input can be found and read according to personal taste.

The installation is together with ‘Rubikon, Rot, Rot’ (->) part of a double installation under the overall title ‘Rot, Rot’.

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Imug: der Galerie SPHN, Koppenplatz 6, D-10115 Berlin

Foto: © Sebastian Dieckmann, Susanne Kienbaum

Donnerstag, Mai 19th, 2011

‚Rubikon, Rot, Rot‘

‚Rubikon, Rot, Rot’
Installation | Artist Book
© Susanne Kienbaum 2002

Dimensions: variable
Materials: 42 balls: 7 made from bronce, 35 from feathers

This installation is referring to the discussion of PID (pre-implantation diagnostics) and is inspired by a couple of newspaper articles referring to frozen embryos and associated law quarrels throughout the world. In the artist book which is part of the installation (not shown in the foto documentation) these newspaper articles as well as scientific and philosophical input can be found and read according to personal taste.

The installation is together with ‘Weicher Raum No 1’ (->) part of a double installation under the overall title ‘Rot, Rot’.

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Imug: der Galerie SPHN, Koppenplatz 6, D-10115 Berlin

Foto: © Sebastian Dieckmann, Susanne Kienbaum

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