‚Cocoon | Green Portable Spaces’
Installation | Performance
© Susanne Kienbaum 2008-09
Dimensions: 180 x 50 x 50 each
Material: polypropylen, latex garden wire, green suitcase
Performance together with Evelyn Müursepp
Mediascape 2008 and 2009: International Media Artists Meeting, Museum Lapidarium, Novigrad, Croatia
In order to explore the minimum of space adaptable to a human size which still can easily be transported by hand luggage the two portable spaces were in an on-going performance sewed by hand during two summers sitting on the brim of a well in Novigrad. Having finished the two Portable Spaces they were stabilized by inserting meters and were exposed during the exposition Mediascape 2008 and 2009.
In 2009 a performance was performed together with Evelyn Müursepp: the two spaces were carried around the city and their suitability for interaction and giving sufficient shelter was explored.
Fotos: © Susanne Kienbaum, Branka Uzur