
Donnerstag, Mai 19th, 2011

‚Cartas para siete de mis amantes recientes‘

‚Cartas para siete de mis amantes recientes’
© Susanne Kienbaum 2002

Dimensions: overall dimensions variable, 160 x 15 x 15 cm each
Materials: gaze, PVC, light (mosquito lamps), paper shredder from love letters

Installation from 7 light objects each showing the same illuminated text in the upper part – the love poem from King Salomon – while the gaze tubes are filled with shreddered love letters.

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Imug: der Galerie SPHN, Koppenplatz 6, D-10115 Berlin

Foto: © Susanne Kienbaum

Donnerstag, Mai 19th, 2011

‚Weicher Raum No 1‘

‚Weicher Raum No 1’
Installation | Object | Artist Book
© Susanne Kienbaum 2002

Dimensions: 200 x 400 x 400
Materials: gaze, PVC, feathers, wood, copper, light, water

This 2-m-high object which can be entered with naked feet is referring to the discussion of PID (pre-implantation diagnostics) and is inspired by a couple of newspaper articles referring to frozen embryos and associated law quarrels throughout the world. Once inside the object which is in fact resembling an uterus the spectator can read the writing on the bottom of the water basin: ‘where does art stop and where does life start?’ which is a quotation of Christian Boltanski.  In the artist book which is part of the installation (not shown in the foto documentation) the respective newspaper articles as well as scientific and philosophical input can be found and read according to personal taste.

The installation is together with ‘Rubikon, Rot, Rot’ (->) part of a double installation under the overall title ‘Rot, Rot’.

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Imug: der Galerie SPHN, Koppenplatz 6, D-10115 Berlin

Foto: © Sebastian Dieckmann, Susanne Kienbaum

Donnerstag, Mai 19th, 2011

‚Rubikon, Rot, Rot‘

‚Rubikon, Rot, Rot’
Installation | Artist Book
© Susanne Kienbaum 2002

Dimensions: variable
Materials: 42 balls: 7 made from bronce, 35 from feathers

This installation is referring to the discussion of PID (pre-implantation diagnostics) and is inspired by a couple of newspaper articles referring to frozen embryos and associated law quarrels throughout the world. In the artist book which is part of the installation (not shown in the foto documentation) these newspaper articles as well as scientific and philosophical input can be found and read according to personal taste.

The installation is together with ‘Weicher Raum No 1’ (->) part of a double installation under the overall title ‘Rot, Rot’.

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Imug: der Galerie SPHN, Koppenplatz 6, D-10115 Berlin

Foto: © Sebastian Dieckmann, Susanne Kienbaum

Donnerstag, Mai 19th, 2011

‚Shelter 2001‘

‚Shelter 2001’
© Susanne Kienbaum 2001

Dimensions: 16 light objects 25x25x15 cm each
Materials: wire, paper, velvet, foil
Description: The light-objects are made from thin paper where small collage pieces and parts of newspaper texts are mounted which show minor language deviations indicating the ‘non-digestion’ of German world-war-II-history in daily life and associated newspaper articles collected during 2001. Parts of the collage pieces were incorporated in two large-scale paper works exhibited in the same show – see also: ’Hanna Arendt: Besuch in Deutschland 1950’ (->) and Wolfgang Köppen: Tauben im Gras 1950’ (->).

Concept | Realization: Susanne Kienbaum
Grunewald 79, Grunewaldstrasse 79, D-10823 Berlin

Foto: © Susanne Kienbaum

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